PHOTON USE p phi 1 .25 .75 msg 3D RADIATIVE HEAT TRANSFER IN A BOX msg msg Temperature distribution: gr ou x 1;gr ou y 1;gr ou z 1 con h1 x 1 fi ;0.001 con h1 y 1 fi ;0.001 con h1 z 1 fi ;0.001 msg msg Pressto continue pause con off;red msg x-wise radiative flux: con radx x 1 fi;0.001 con radx y 1 fi; 0.001 con radx z 1 fi; 0.001 msg msg Press to continue pause con off;red msg y-wise radiative flux: con rady x 1 fi;0.001 con rady y 1 fi;0.001 con rady z 1 fi;0.001 msg msg Press to continue pause con off;red msg z-wise radiative flux: con radz x 1 fi;0.001 con radz y 1 fi;0.001 con radz z 1 fi;0.001 msg msg Press e to END enduse GROUP 1. Run title and other preliminaries TEXT(3D Radiant Heat Transfer In A Box TITLE DISPLAY Radiative heat transfer in a 3D box is considered. Four of the walls are kept at constant but different temperatures; the other two walls are assumed to be adiabatic. The emissivities of the walls are assumed to be equal. Further background information is supplied in cases 550 and 551. ENDDIS Locally-defined parameters additional to those introduced in case 550 are as follows: TWW low-X wall temperature TWN high-Y wall temperature TWL low-Z wall temperature TWH high-Z wall temperature REAL(GSIGMA,SCAT,ABSORB,EMIH,EMIC,TWW,TWN,TWL,TWH,TWA,EPA) GSIGMA=5.6697E-8;SCAT=0.05;ABSORB=0.3;EMIH=0.9;EMIC=0.9 TWW=500.0;TWN=700.0;TWL=300.0;TWH=1200.0 GROUP 3. X-direction grid specification GRDPWR(X,8,1.0,1.0) GROUP 4. Y-direction grid specification GRDPWR(Y,8,1.0,1.0) GROUP 5. Z-direction grid specification GRDPWR(Z,8,1.0,1.0) GROUP 7. Variables stored, solved & named RADIAT(FLUX,ABSORB,SCAT,H1) GROUP 8. Terms (in differential equations) & devices TERMS(H1,N,N,Y,N,Y,N) GROUP 9. Properties of the medium (or media) CP1=1.0;TMP1=LINH;TMP1B=1.0/CP1 PRNDTL(H1)=0.73;REAL(RPR);RPR=1.0/PRNDTL(H1) GROUP 11. Initialization of variable or porosity fields TWA=0.5*(TWW+TWN);EPA=GSIGMA*(TWA)**4 FIINIT(RADX)=EPA;FIINIT(RADY)=EPA;FIINIT(RADZ)=EPA FIINIT(H1)=TWA GROUP 13. Boundary conditions and special sources ** Radiation and enthalpy sources - West wall PATCH(HOTWR,WEST,1,1,1,NY,1,NZ,1,1) COVAL(HOTWR,RADX,EMIC/(2.0-EMIC),GSIGMA*TWW**4) PATCH(HOTWH,WWALL,1,1,1,NY,1,NZ,1,1);COVAL(HOTWH,H1,RPR,TWW) ** North wall PATCH(HOTNR,NORTH,1,NX,NY,NY,1,NZ,1,1) COVAL(HOTNR,RADY,EMIC/(2.0-EMIC),GSIGMA*TWN**4) PATCH(HOTNH,NWALL,1,NX,NY,NY,1,NZ,1,1);COVAL(HOTNH,H1,RPR,TWN) ** Low wall PATCH(HOTLR,LOW,1,NX,1,NY,1,1,1,1) COVAL(HOTLR,RADZ,EMIC/(2.0-EMIC),GSIGMA*TWL**4) PATCH(HOTLH,LWALL,1,NX,1,NY,1,1,1,1);COVAL(HOTLH,H1,RPR,TWL) ** High wall PATCH(HOTHR,HIGH,1,NX,1,NY,NZ,NZ,1,1) COVAL(HOTHR,RADZ,EMIH/(2.0-EMIH),GSIGMA*TWH**4) PATCH(HOTHH,HWALL,1,NX,1,NY,NZ,NZ,1,1);COVAL(HOTHH,H1,RPR,TWH) GROUP 15. Termination of sweeps LSWEEP=30 GROUP 16. Termination of iterations GROUP 17. Under-relaxation devices RELAX(H1,FALSDT,0.01) GROUP 22. Spot-value print-out IXMON=NX/2;IYMON=NY/2;IZMON=NZ/2 GROUP 23. Field print-out and plot control YZPR=T;IXPRF=NX/2;IXPRL=NX/2;NYPRIN=2;NZPRIN=2 PATCH(MIDPLANE,CONTUR,1,NX,1,NY,NZ/2,NZ/2,1,1) PLOT(MIDPLANE,H1,0.0,10.0);PLOT(MIDPLANE,RADX,0.0,10.0) PLOT(MIDPLANE,RADY,0.0,10.0);PLOT(MIDPLANE,RADZ,0.0,10.0) ***actdem*** + do ii=1,5 + mesg( + enddo mesg( Initial data that can be changed: + mesga( Absorption coefficient is set to :ABSORB: + mesg( Scattering coefficient is set to :SCAT: + mesg( Emission coefficient is set to :EMIH: mesga( Do you want to change settings (y/n)? (Default n) readvdu(ans,char,n) if(:ans:.eq.y) then + real(rt1) + do ii=1,5 + mesg( + enddo + mesga( Change absorption coefficient (default :ABSORB:) + readvdu(ABSORB,real,:ABSORB:) + do ii=1,5 + mesg( + enddo + mesga( Change scattering coefficient (default :SCAT:) + readvdu(SCAT,real,:SCAT:) + do ii=1,5 + mesg( + enddo + mesga( Change emission coefficient (default :EMIH:) + readvdu(rt1,real,:EMIH:) + EMIH=RT1; EMIC=RT1 RADIA=ABSORB; RADIB=SCAT + COVAL(HOTHR,RADZ,EMIH/(2.0-EMIH),GSIGMA*TWH**4) + COVAL(HOTWR,RADX,EMIC/(2.0-EMIC),GSIGMA*TWW**4) + COVAL(HOTNR,RADY,EMIC/(2.0-EMIC),GSIGMA*TWN**4) + COVAL(HOTLR,RADZ,EMIC/(2.0-EMIC),GSIGMA*TWL**4) endif selref=t; resfac=1.e-2 TSTSWP=-1