display Q1 for illustrating the influences of various factors when the default SELREF=T is active. A single cell has steady sources of mass and of C1. Heavy linear under-relaxation is used so as to necessitate many sweeps for convergence. Neither the solution nor the number of sweeps is influenced by XULAST, YVLAST, ZWLAST OR RHO1. Both are influenced by: RESFAC, FIINIT(C1) and the relaxation factor. enddis #pause TEXT(Influences On Convergence; Steady SOLVE(P1,C1) PATCH(SOURCE,PHASEM,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) PATCH(SOURCEM,PHASEM,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) PATCH(OUTLET,PHASEM,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) COVAL(OUTLET,P1,1.,0.0) The larger is the closer is the value of the following quantity the smaller will be the number of iterations; but the accuracy of the solution will be little affected. FIINIT(C1)=10 Changing either of the next two statements will change the (un-converged) solution RELAX(C1,LINRLX,0.01); RESFAC=0.01 Changing any of the next five statements will have no effect on the solution zwlast=100; yvlast=10; xulast=1/10; rho1=.0001 COVAL(SOURCEM,P1,FIXFLU,1); COVAL(SOURCE,C1,FIXFLU,1) LSWEEP=5000; TSTSWP=10; NPLT=10; ORSIZ=0.2