This set of PIL commands is useful for setting up combustion simulations based upon the SCRS (Simple Chemically Reacting System). Declarations REAL(VINF,VIN,GVIST,RHOIN,FINF,HAIRIN,SECIN,DILIN,TOXID,TFUEL) REAL(HFU,STOIC,FSTOI,CEBU,CPFU,CPPR,HINF,WAIR,WFU,WPR,CPAIR) TEXT(Simple chemical reaction (SCRS) Group 7: variables to be solved and stored SOLVE(H1,MIXF,FUEL); STORE(OXID,PROD,TMP1,RHO1) GROUP 8. Terms (in differential equations) & devices TERMS(H1,N,Y,Y,N,Y,N) Group 9: general property settings molecular weights of air, fuel and products WAIR=29.0;WFU=16.0;WPR=28.0 stoichiometric ratio and stoichiometric mixture fraction STOIC=17.24; FSTOI=1./(1.+STOIC) specific heats CPAIR=1.5E3; CPPR=1.5E3; CPFU=1.5E3 heat of reaction HFU=4.9E7 data settings relating to density and temperature RHO1=3GASES; RHO1A=WFU; RHO1B=WAIR; RHO1C=WPR TMP1=SCRSNONEQ ! i.e. grnd8, the option for the SCRS with finite ! rate of reaction of fuel next settings cause specific heat to be computed as the weighted average of the specific heats of the three gas-mixture components CP1=GRND10; CP1A=CPFU; CP1B=CPAIR; CP1C=CPPR data relating to input streams TOXID=773.0; TFUEL=773.0; VINF=100.0; VIN=-40.0 FINF=FSTOI; HINF=CPFU*TFUEL+FINF*HFU TMP2A=FSTOI; TMP2B=HFU density RHOIN=3.606 Group 13: inlet and other conditions prevailing pressure PRESS0=8.0E5 air-stream enthalpy HAIRIN=CPAIR*TOXID hairin secondary air mass flow rate SECIN=0.008157 diluent-stream air mass flow rate DILIN=0.0145 fuel stream: velocity, mixture fraction, enthalpy Group 13: reaction-rate data eddy-break-up constant PATCH(CHSO,PHASEM,1,NX,1,NY,1,NZ,1,1) COVAL(CHSO,FUEL,EBU,EBU) CEBU=1.0 CHSOA=FSTOI; CHSOB=CEBU GROUP 11: Initial values FIINIT(RHO1)=RHOIN;FIINIT(H1)=HAIRIN;FIINIT(MIXF)=FINF FIINIT(FUEL)=FINF