L(454) TEXT(Free Surface Flow, 3D, Submerged TITLE NZ is set back to 5 making the simulation 3d again. The body is now submerged by means of the CONPOR statement. Only the the water in the top layer of cells (ie. the near-surface cells) are subject to compressibility. NREGZ=3 IREGZ=1; GRDPWR(Z,1,0.5,1.0) IREGZ=2; GRDPWR(Z,2,1.0,1.0) IREGZ=3; GRDPWR(Z,2,1.0,1.0) RHO2=-1.0;SOLUTN(W1,Y,Y,N,Y,N,Y);OUTPUT(W1,Y,N,N,N,N,N) CONPOR(BODY,0.0,VOLUME,#2,#2,#1,#1,#1,#2) * Re-define Patches with new limits INLET(UPSTRM,WEST,#1,#1,#1,#NREGY,#1,#NREGZ,1,1) PATCH(DWNSTRM,EAST,#NREGX,#NREGX,#1,#NREGY,#1,#NREGZ,1,1) RELAX(W1,FALSDT,1.0)