#cls text(In-Form equivalent of library case 367 title libref=367 DISPLAY This In-Form case does what 790 does, but without use of neighbour technique. It uses the In-Form functions: SOURCE and WEST. ENDDIS load(790) text(In-Form equivalent of library case 790 libref=367 Next actions deactivate "neighbour technique" entries. NEW1=SKIP NEE1=SKIP NEPLUS=SKIP NEMINUS=SKIP Thereafter the following In-Form formulae replace actions of the neighbour technique: INFORM13BEGIN Flow of shell fluid PATCH(INEW1,CELL,2,NX,1,1,1,1,1,1000) (SOURCE 1STH at INEW1 is FLO1*(1STH[-1]-1STH) with LINE) The equivalent of it is the following In-Form statement (SOURCE 1STH at INEW1 is FLO1*(WEST(1STH)-1STH) with LINE) Flow of tube fluid PATCH(INEE1,CELL,1,NX-1,1,1,1,1,1,1000) (SOURCE 2NDH at INEE1 is FLO2*(2NDH[+1]-2NDH) with LINE) The equivalent of it is the following In-Form statement (SOURCE 2NDH at INEE1 is FLO2*(EAST(2NDH)-2NDH) with LINE) Heat-exchange with tube fluid, throughout the exchanger. PATCH(INEPLUS,VOLUME,1,NX,1,NY,1,NZ,1,1000) (SOURCE 1STH at INEPLUS is COEF12*(2NDH-1STH) with LINE) Heat-exchange with shell fluid, throughout the exchanger. PATCH(INEMINUS,VOLUME,1,NX,1,NY,1,NZ,1,1000) (SOURCE 2NDH at INEMINUS is COEF12*(1STH-2NDH) with LINE) INFORM13END The following settings have been chosen as being preferable to those of 790, in respect of convergence. RELAX(1STH,FALSDT,5.); RELAX(2NDH,FALSDT,5.) DISTIL=T; EX(1STH)= 5.715E-01; EX(2NDH)=4.116E-01; EX(EPOR)=5.000E-01 STOP