GROUP 1. Run title and other preliminaries TEXT(Impinging Jet In Rectangular Grid TITLE DISPLAY This run illustrates the flow arising when a cold round laminar jet impinges directly on to a flat surface (referred to as the floor). The jet enters the domain through the low boundary at iz=1, and it is spread over several cells in order to represent the round shape of the jet, as indicated in the diagram on the right: |--------------------->x |---|---|---|---------->x | \ |---|---|---| | \ |---|---| | \ |---| \ | \ | \ | \ | cells through | jet \ | which jet enters z| \ | domain. V| \ y| | \------ V |______________________floor ENDDIS A regular cartesian grid is used instead of a cylindrical- polar grid in order to test that a round jet will spread isotropically through a cartesian grid. It is important that this should occur when the jet is part of a larger problem that requires a cartesian grid. Interesting variants of this problem include changes to: the jet velocity; the location of the jet; and oblique impingement. REAL(RJ,WJ,AA,DX) INTEGER(JJ1) RJ.....jet radius WJ.....velocity of the jet. AA.....ratio used in specification of geometric progression of grid-step size. DX.....grid increment in the x direction. GROUP 3. X-direction grid specification NX=12; RJ=0.1; AA=1.3; DX=.25*RJ **The following settings prescribe an x-direction grid spacing which expands geometrically... XFRAC(1)=RJ*.5;XFRAC(2)=RJ*.75; XFRAC(3)=RJ DO JJ=4,11 + JJ1=JJ-1; XFRAC(JJ)=XFRAC(JJ1)+DX; DX=DX*AA ENDDO XFRAC(12)=1.0 GROUP 4. Y-direction grid specification NY=12 **The following statements set the y-direction grid spacing equal to that of the x-direction spacings... DO JJ=1,12 + YFRAC(JJ)=XFRAC(JJ) ENDDO GROUP 5. Z-direction grid specification **A uniform grid spacing is used for the z direction... GRDPWR(Z,10,1.0,1.0) GROUP 7. Variables stored, solved & named SOLVE(P1,U1,V1,W1) **The pressure is solved whole field... SOLUTN(P1,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N) GROUP 9. Properties of the medium (or media) ENUL=0.01; WJ=10.0 GROUP 13. Boundary conditions and special sources **Three PATCHs are used to represent the inflow of the jet for the cells shown in the diagram above... INLET(JET1,LOW,1,1,1,3,1,1,1,1) VALUE(JET1,P1,WJ); VALUE(JET1,W1,WJ) INLET(JET2,LOW,2,2,1,2,1,1,1,1) VALUE(JET2,P1,WJ); VALUE(JET2,W1,WJ) INLET(JET3,LOW,3,3,1,1,1,1,1,1) VALUE(JET3,P1,WJ); VALUE(JET3,W1,WJ) **Fixed pressure boundaries are prescribed at the east and north boundaries (symmetry planes are implied by default at the west and south boundaries)... PATCH(FREE1,EAST,NX,NX,1,NY,1,NZ,1,1) COVAL(FREE1,P1,1000.,0.0); COVAL(FREE1,W1,ONLYMS,0.0) COVAL(FREE1,U1,ONLYMS,0.0); COVAL(FREE1,V1,ONLYMS,0.0) PATCH(FREE2,NORTH,1,NX,NY,NY,1,NZ,1,1) COVAL(FREE2,P1,1000.,0.0); COVAL(FREE2,W1,ONLYMS,0.0) COVAL(FREE2,U1,ONLYMS,0.0); COVAL(FREE2,V1,ONLYMS,0.0) **On the floor, laminar friction is activated for cells outside of the inlet orifice... PATCH(FREE3,LOW,4,NX,1,NY,1,1,1,1) COVAL(FREE3,P1,1000.,0.); COVAL(FREE3,W1,ONLYMS,0.0) COVAL(FREE3,U1,ONLYMS,0.0); COVAL(FREE3,V1,ONLYMS,0.0) PATCH(FREE4,LOW,1,4,4,NY,1,1,1,1) COVAL(FREE4,P1,1000.,0.); COVAL(FREE4,W1,ONLYMS,0.0) COVAL(FREE4,U1,ONLYMS,0.0); COVAL(FREE4,V1,ONLYMS,0.0) PATCH(FREE5,LOW,3,3,2,3,1,1,1,1) COVAL(FREE5,P1,1000.,0.); COVAL(FREE5,W1,ONLYMS,0.0) COVAL(FREE5,U1,ONLYMS,0.0); COVAL(FREE5,V1,ONLYMS,0.0) PATCH(FREE6,LOW,2,2,3,3,1,1,1,1) COVAL(FREE6,P1,1000.,0.); COVAL(FREE6,W1,ONLYMS,0.0) COVAL(FREE6,U1,ONLYMS,0.0); COVAL(FREE6,V1,ONLYMS,0.0) PATCH(FLOOR,HWALL,1,NX,1,NY,NZ,NZ,1,1) COVAL(FLOOR,U1,1.0,0.0); COVAL(FLOOR,V1,1.0,0.0) GROUP 15. Termination of sweeps LSWEEP=60 GROUP 17. Under-relaxation devices RELAX(U1,FALSDT,1.0); RELAX(V1,FALSDT,1.0); RELAX(W1,FALSDT,1.0) GROUP 22. Spot-value print-out IXMON=NX/2; IYMON=NY/2; IZMON=NZ GROUP 23. Field print-out and plot control NPLT=2; ITABL=3; IXPRL=8; IYPRL=8; NZPRIN=4 **Contour plot of pressure up to the eighth control volume... PATCH(IXEQ10,CONTUR,1,8,1,8,NZ,NZ,1,1) PLOT(IXEQ10,P1,0.0,20.0) ICHR=3