L(246) GROUP 1. Run title and other preliminaries TEXT(Pipe With Internal Restriction TITLE This run analyses the flow in a pipe with an orifice at quarter-length. The pipe wall is at a constant temperature. Cylindrical-polar coordinates are used in the y-z plane: y being in the radial direction; z being along the axis. Interesting variants include changes to: the size and position of the orifice; entry values of scalar quantities; and the temperature of restricting plate. INLET(IN,LOW,1,1,1,NY,1,1,1,1) VALUE(IN,P1,0.1); VALUE(IN,W1,0.1) ** Represent constriction by fixing W1 to zero... PATCH(RESTRIC,HIGH,1,1,NY/2+1,NY,NZ/4,NZ/4,1,1) COVAL(RESTRIC,W1,FIXVAL,0.0) NYPRIN=1; NZPRIN=1; IYPRF=NY/2-1; IZPRF=NZ/4-1; IZPRL=NZ/4+3