GROUP 1. Run title and other preliminaries TEXT(2DXZ Duct Flow; Effect Of Pr No. TITLE DISPLAY This run illustrates what happens when a fluid enters a duct between two plane walls which are held at unequal temperatures. Interesting parametric variations include: entry values of the scalar variables; an additional boundary condition at the entry section which would give the central region of the stream a different set of values of the scalars; change to a flux boundary condition on one of the walls; and the introduction of temperature- dependent transport properties. / /| Wall / / | at temp---/ / | T1 / / | / / | | |Wall | Fixed | ^ |at | mass, |/ |temp | momentum, / |T2 | enthalpy /| ^ | / and conc- |/ | / ^ entration / | / /z fluxes /| ^ | / / |/ |/ / x---> ENDDIS GROUP 3. X-direction grid specification IREGX=1; GRDPWR(X,10,0.01,1.0) GROUP 5. Z-direction grid specification **In addition to pressure, two velocities and enthalpy, three additional scalar quantities, A, B and C, are solved for. They can be regarded as concentrations of substances which dissolve in the fluid, differing only in their diffusion coefficient. PARAB=T; IREGZ=1; GRDPWR(Z,20,1.0,1.0) GROUP 7. Variables stored, solved & named SOLVE(P1,U1,W1,C1,C2,C3) NAME(C1)=A; NAME(C2)=B; NAME(C3)=C GROUP 9. Properties of the medium (or media) PRNDTL(A)=1.0; PRNDTL(B)=0.1; PRNDTL(C)=10.0 GROUP 13. Boundary conditions and special sources WALL (WESTWALL,WEST,#1,#1,#1,#1,#1,#NREGZ,1,1) COVAL(WESTWALL,A,1./PRNDTL(A),0.0) COVAL(WESTWALL,B,1./PRNDTL(B),0.0) COVAL(WESTWALL,C,1./PRNDTL(C),0.0);COVAL(WESTWALL,W1,1.0,0.0) WALL (EASTWALL,EAST,#NREGX,#NREGX,#1,#1,#1,#NREGZ,1,1) COVAL(EASTWALL,A,1.0,1.0);COVAL(EASTWALL,B,10.0,1.0) COVAL(EASTWALL,C,0.1,1.0);COVAL(EASTWALL,W1,1.0,0.0) **Uniform inflow at low boundary INLET(IN,LOW,#1,#NREGX,#1,#1,#1,#1,1,1) VALUE(IN,P1,10.0);VALUE(IN,W1,10.0) VALUE(IN,A,0.5); VALUE(IN,B,0.5) VALUE(IN,C,0.5) GROUP 15. Termination of sweeps LITHYD=20 GROUP 22. Spot-value print-out IXMON=NX/2+13 GROUP 23. Field print-out and plot control NPLT=1; ITABL=2; NXPRIN=3; NZPRIN=10 **Plot at exit PATCH(EXIT,PROFIL,1,NX,1,1,NZ-1,NZ-1,1,1) IPROF=1;PLOT(EXIT,W1,0.0,0.0);PLOT(EXIT,A,0.0,1.0) PLOT(EXIT,B,0.0,1.0);PLOT(EXIT,C,0.0,1.0) **Plot z-wise variations PATCH(ZWISE,PROFIL,3,3,1,1,1,NZ,1,1) PLOT(ZWISE,W1,0.0,0.0);PLOT(ZWISE,A,0.0,1.0) PLOT(ZWISE,B,0.0,1.0);PLOT(ZWISE,C,0.0,1.0) * Menu data ... optional