C..FILE.NAME...............GXPARA.FOR ........................160414 C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cc c C SUBROUTINE GXPARA C The subroutine is called only when C PARAB=T and NZ > 1 or C STEADY=F and NZ = 1 C and IDISPA > 0, C in the Q1 file. C C How to set IDISPA (also IDISPB & IDISPC) : C IDISPA = 1 elicits the dump of all the z- (or t-) direction slabs C between IZ (or ISTEP) = IDISPB and IDISPC. C limit the bounds for the first slab and the last slab C to be dumped (defaults: IDISPB=1; IDISPC=NZ). C IDISPA > 1 it will 'group' IDISPA cells into one and assign the C value of the central cell to the resulting cell, as C shown in the drawing below. Therefore, the number C of the 'group' cell should be odd number. C Even IDISPA's set by users are automatically converted C to the next odd numbers by the program. C Variables IDISPB and IDISPC set the limits in which the C above grouping will happen. It may be noted that this C trade-off between simplicity and generality will C result in the omission of a couple of slabs, which, C being within the bounds defined by IDISPB and IDISPC, C are not enough to form a new 'group'. The adoption C of this practice is justified by the fact that a C large number of slabs are normally used in a parabolic C simulation of flow. C C ----------------------------- C : : : : C ----------------------------- IDISPA=3 C :***************************: C :* 1 : 2--> : 3 *: ---- old grid C :***************************: C ----------------------------- **** new cell C :***************************: C :* 1 : 2--> : 3 *: : Y C ***************************: : C ----------------------------- :---> Z (or time) C : : : : C ----------------------------- C C a) If both XULAST and YVLAST are constant and DZ for all C IZ is known at the start of the computation (i.e AZDZ=0.0) C then only a PARADA (formatted) or PARPHI (direct-access) C is written in addition to the original phi/phida file. C C b) If XULAST and/or YVLAST are not functions of IZ, but C AZDZ is set, a scratch file named PARAXX is created C during execution and its contents written to a PARADA C (formatted) or PARPHI (direct-access) in addition to the C original phi/phida file at the end of the run. C C c) If either XULAST, or YVLAST are functions of IZ then a C PARZDA (formatted) or PARXYZ (direct-access) file is C written in addition to PARDA or PARPHI. C PHOTON treats these files as if results of a BFC case. C C.... Formatted or direct-access files are created by GXPARA according C to whether PHIDA=T or F in PREFIX. Formatted files are named C PARPHI and PARXYZ, direct-access files are PARADA and PARZDA. C C.... If you do not wish to dump the values of all variables stored, C set the names of variables which you do NOT want as a 4-character C name, the last 2 characters of which are '**', in the Q1 file; C eg NAME(R2)=R2** C C (original PHIDA or PHI should be used for restart runs, C NOT PARADA or PARPHI) C-------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE GXPARA INCLUDE 'farray' INCLUDE 'satear' INCLUDE 'grdloc' INCLUDE 'satgrd' INCLUDE 'grdear' COMMON /PARA1/ MYNAME(150) /PARA2/ MYSTOR(150) LOGICAL BFGRID, ZVGRID, MYSTOR, PAIRS, DAFILE, NEZ CHARACTER*(4) MYNAME, MYVNAM COMMON/LUNITS/LUNIT(60) COMMON/NAMFN/NAMFUN,NAMSUB COMMON/AUXDAT/ZCCNF CHARACTER*6 NAMFUN,NAMSUB,BUFF(4)*256 REAL(4) ARY4(LENREC) SAVE DAFILE,IREPHI,IREXYZ,NLUPHI,NLUXYZ,NLUSCR,MYFIZ,MYLIZ, 1NZEFF,PAIRS,ZVGRID,BFGRID,IFREQ,IFST,IDUMP,LNRC,IREC,IXYZ, 1ZWLST,ISCR,L0ZT,L0AUX SAVE IZVG C NAMFUN='GXPARA' NAMSUB=NAMFUN C***************************************************************** C.... Determine whether z or time is the parabolic dimension IF(STEADY) THEN KZTFR=KZFR NZT=NZSTEP IZT=IZ ELSE IF(NZ.GT.1) THEN WRITE(LUPR1,*) 'GXPARA cannot be used for transients if' WRITE(LUPR1,*) 'NZ exceeds 1. IDISPA has been set = 0 ' IDISPA=0 RETURN ENDIF KZTFR=KTFR NZT=LSTEP IZT=ISTEP ENDIF NZPR=NZT C.... Group 1 settings IF(IGR.EQ.1) THEN IFREQ=1 IF(STEADY) THEN ZWLST=ZWLAST ELSE ZWLST=TLAST ENDIF C.... If PHIDA=T in PREFIX, DAFILE is set true. DAFILE=.FALSE. IPHI=ITWO(22,23,LUNIT(23).EQ.0) IF(IPHI.EQ.23) DAFILE=.TRUE. C C.... Logical units for output files IF(.NOT.DAFILE) THEN IREPHI=31 IREXYZ=32 ELSE IREPHI=35 IREXYZ=36 ENDIF C NLUXYZ=LUNIT(IREXYZ) NLUPHI=LUNIT(IREPHI) NLUSCR=LUNIT(33) C.... See first and last slab MYFIZ=MAX0(1,IDISPB) MYLIZ=NZT IF(IDISPC.GT.0.AND.IDISPC.LE.NZT) MYLIZ=IDISPC NZEFF=MYLIZ-MYFIZ+1 CALL GXMAKE(L0ZT,NZT,'ZorT') CALL GXMAKE(L0AUX,MAX0((NX+1)*(NY+1),NZEFF),'IAUX') C.... Grid types PAIRS=.FALSE. ZVGRID=.FALSE. BFGRID=.FALSE. IF(NEZ(AZXU).OR.NEZ(AZYV)) THEN ! grid expands, so use BFC treatment BFGRID=.TRUE. ! for PHOTON display ELSEIF(NEZ(AZDZ)) THEN ZVGRID=.TRUE. ELSEIF(F(KZTFR+1).LT.0.0) THEN ! use method of pairs for z grid, C store high face coords f-array PAIRS=.TRUE. IZGR=0 DO 101 J=1,NZT/2 IF(IZGR.LT.NZT) THEN IZFR=NINT(F(KZTFR+2*J-1)) IZFR=IABS(IZFR) IF(IZGR.EQ.0) THEN F(L0ZT+1)=F(KZTFR+2*J) IF(IZFR.LE.NZPR) THEN DO 102 I=2,IZFR F(L0ZT+I)=F(KZTFR+2*J)+F(L0ZT+I-1) 102 CONTINUE ENDIF ELSE IF(IZFR+IZGR.LE.NZPR) THEN DO 103 I=1,IZFR F(L0ZT+I+IZGR)=F(KZTFR+2*J)+F(L0ZT+I+IZGR-1) 103 CONTINUE ENDIF ENDIF IZGR=IZGR+IZFR ENDIF 101 CONTINUE IF(IZGR.GT.NZPR) THEN NZT=NZPR+1 GO TO 210 ENDIF ENDIF C.... Determine slab frequency for dumping to parphi IF(IDISPA.GT.1) THEN IFREQ=IDISPA IFST=IDISPA/2+1 C.... Check for odd no. C... IFREQ is odd so that the middle slab (of band) saved for plotting purposes IF(IDISPA>2 .AND. MOD(IDISPA,2).EQ.0) IFREQ=IDISPA+1 NZEFF=NZEFF/IFREQ IDUMP=0 ELSE IFREQ=1 IFST=0; IDUMP=0 ENDIF 210 CONTINUE C.... End of Group 1 settings ENDIF C***************************************************************** IF(IGR.EQ.19) THEN C C.... Not if iz < myfiz or iz > myliz IF((IZT.GE.MYFIZ).AND.(IZT.LE.MYLIZ)) THEN C C.... F-array zero-location indices of geometrical quantities L0X=L0F(XU2D) L0Y=L0F(YV2D) IF(.NOT.CARTES) L0R=L0F(RV2D) IF(BFGRID .AND. .NOT.CARTES .AND. NX.GT.1) THEN L0SP=L0F(EASP2) L0XG=L0F(XG2D) ENDIF C C.... Part 1: .................................................... C First-slab practices for xyz and phi C IF(IZT.EQ.MYFIZ) THEN C C.... 1a. open files C 100 CONTINUE if(debug) call writ1i('open fl',irephi) CALL OPENZZ(IREPHI,IOS) IF(IOS/=0) THEN CALL CLOSZZ(IREPHI) ! Close PHI(DA) file then post query about action C Likely IOSTAT errors are IF(IOS==38) THEN ! 38 severe: Error during write BUFF(1)='Error while writing PHI(DA) file' ELSEIF(IOS==608) THEN ! 608 severe: No space left on device BUFF(1)='No space left on device to write PHI(DA) file' ELSE CALL IOEMZZ(IOS,BUFF(1)) ENDIF BUFF(2)='Close any open files or make more space.' BUFF(3)='Press OK to retry saving file or Cancel to' BUFF(4)='continue without saving.' CALL ERRMSG(BUFF,4,222,IEND) IF(IEND==0) GOTO 100 RETURN ENDIF IF(BFGRID) THEN 111 CONTINUE CALL OPENZZ(IREXYZ,IOS) IF(IOS/=0) THEN CALL CLOSZZ(IREXYZ) ! Close XYZ(DA) file then post query about action C Likely IOSTAT errors are IF(IOS==38) THEN ! 38 severe: Error during write BUFF(1)='Error while writing XYZ(DA) file' ELSEIF(IOS==608) THEN ! 608 severe: No space left on device BUFF(1)= 1 'No space left on device to write XYZ(DA) file' ELSE CALL IOEMZZ(IOS,BUFF(1)) ENDIF BUFF(2)='Close any open files or make more space.' BUFF(3)='Press OK to retry saving file or Cancel to' BUFF(4)='continue without saving.' CALL ERRMSG(BUFF,4,222,IEND) IF(IEND==0) GOTO 111 RETURN ENDIF ENDIF IF(ZVGRID) THEN 112 CONTINUE CALL OPENZZ(33,IOS) IF(IOS/=0) THEN CALL CLOSZZ(33) ! Close XYZ(DA) file then post query about action C Likely IOSTAT errors are IF(IOS==38) THEN ! 38 severe: Error during write BUFF(1)='Error while writing XYZ(DA) file' ELSEIF(IOS==608) THEN ! 608 severe: No space left on device BUFF(1)= 1 'No space left on device to write XYZ(DA) file' ELSE CALL IOEMZZ(IOS,BUFF(1)) ENDIF BUFF(2)='Close any open files or make more space.' BUFF(3)='Press OK to retry saving file or Cancel to' BUFF(4)='continue without saving.' CALL ERRMSG(BUFF,4,222,IEND) IF(IEND==0) GOTO 112 RETURN ENDIF ENDIF C C.... Set record length for PHI or PHIDA files LNRC=LENREC IF(.NOT.DAFILE) LNRC=6 C RRINN=RINNER IF(BFGRID) RRINN=0.0 IF(.NOT.DAFILE) THEN C C.... 1b. nx, ny, nz to xyz C IF(BFGRID) WRITE (NLUXYZ, '(3I5)' ) NX+1, NY+1, NZEFF+1 C C.... 1c. title and other preliminaries to PHI C WRITE(NLUPHI,201) MESS(1:40) 201 FORMAT(1X,A40,9A4) WRITE (NLUPHI,'(1X,79L1)') CARTES,ONEPHS,BFGRID,XCYCLE WRITE (NLUPHI,'(1X,7I10)') NX,NY,NZEFF,NPHI,DEN1,DEN2, 1 EPOR,NPOR,HPOR,VPOR,LENREC WRITE (NLUPHI,'(1PE13.6)') RRINN ELSE C C.... 1b. nx, ny, nz to xyz C IF(BFGRID) WRITE (NLUXYZ, REC=1 ) INT4(NX+1), INT4(NY+1), 1 INT4(NZEFF+1) C C.... 1c. title and other preliminaries to phi C WRITE (NLUPHI,REC=1) MESS(1:40) WRITE (NLUPHI,REC=2) LOGICAL(CARTES,4), 1 LOGICAL(ONEPHS,4),LOGICAL(BFGRID,4),LOGICAL(XCYCLE,4) WRITE (NLUPHI,REC=3) INT4(NX),INT4(NY),INT4(NZEFF), 1 INT4(NPHI),INT4(DEN1),INT4(DEN2),INT4(EPOR), 1 INT4(NPOR),INT4(HPOR),INT4(VPOR),INT4(LENREC) WRITE (NLUPHI,REC=4) REAL(RRINN,4) ENDIF C C.... 1d. variable names to phi C NB: name of velocities overwritten if bfgrid C (This is because the default vector components C used by PHOTON are the cartesian components.) C DO 10 II=1, NPHI MYNAME (II) = NAME (II) 10 CONTINUE DO 110 JJ=1, NPHI MYSTOR(JJ)=.FALSE. MYVNAM=MYNAME(JJ) IF(STORE(JJ)) then IF(MYVNAM(3:4).NE.'**') THEN IF(MOD(IPRN(JJ),5).EQ.0) MYSTOR(JJ)=.TRUE. ENDIF ENDIF 110 CONTINUE IF(BFGRID) THEN IF(MYSTOR(U1)) MYNAME (U1) = 'UCRT' IF(MYSTOR(V1)) MYNAME (V1) = 'VCRT' IF(MYSTOR(W1)) MYNAME (W1) = 'WCRT' IF(MYSTOR(U2)) MYNAME (U2) = 'U2CR' IF(MYSTOR(V2)) MYNAME (V2) = 'V2CR' IF(MYSTOR(W2)) MYNAME (W2) = 'W2CR' ENDIF IF(.NOT.DAFILE) THEN NREC=NUMREC (NPHI,19) I1=-18 I2=0 DO 11 I=1, NREC I1=I1+19 I2=MIN0 (I2+19, NPHI) WRITE (NLUPHI,'(1X,19A4)') (MYNAME (J), J=I1, I2) 11 CONTINUE ELSE WRITE (NLUPHI,REC=5) (MYNAME (J), J=1,NPHI) ENDIF C C.... 1e. cell faces (first x, then y, then z) to PHI C NB dummy values written if bfgrid since geometry file (xyz) is used C IF(DAFILE) IREC=5 DO 12 KK=1, 3 IF(KK.EQ.1) THEN NN=NX ELSEIF(KK.EQ.2) THEN NN=NY ELSEIF(KK.EQ.3) THEN NN=NZEFF ENDIF NREC=NUMREC (NN,LNRC) I1=1-LNRC I2=0 IF(KK.EQ.3.AND.ZVGRID) IZVG=IREC DO 13 I=1, NREC I1=I1+LNRC I2=MIN0 (I2+LNRC, NN) IF(.NOT.BFGRID.AND..NOT.ZVGRID.AND.KK.EQ.3) THEN IF(.NOT.PAIRS.AND.MYFIZ.GT.1) F(L0ZT+MYFIZ-1)= 1 F(KZTFR+MYFIZ-1) DO 15 J=I1,I2 IF(.NOT.PAIRS) F(L0ZT+J*IFREQ+MYFIZ-1)=F(KZTFR+ 1 J*IFREQ+MYFIZ-1) IF(MYFIZ.GT.1) F(L0ZT+J*IFREQ+MYFIZ-1)= 1 F(L0ZT+J*IFREQ+MYFIZ-1)-F(L0ZT+MYFIZ-1) 15 CONTINUE ENDIF C.... Formatted files IF(.NOT.DAFILE) THEN IF(BFGRID) THEN WRITE (NLUPHI,1962) (.9999, JJ=I1, I2) ELSE IF(KK.EQ.1) WRITE (NLUPHI,1962) 1 (F(L0X+(JJ-1)*NY+1),JJ=I1,I2) IF(KK.EQ.2) WRITE (NLUPHI,1962) 1 (F(L0Y+JJ),JJ=I1,I2) IF((.NOT.ZVGRID).AND.(KK.EQ.3)) WRITE(NLUPHI,1962) 1 (F(L0zt+JJ*IFREQ+MYFIZ-1)*ZWLST,JJ=I1,I2) ENDIF ELSE C.... Direct-access files IREC=IREC+1 IF(BFGRID) THEN WRITE (NLUPHI,REC=IREC) (REAL(.9999,4), JJ=I1, I2) ELSE IF(KK.EQ.1) THEN WRITE(NLUPHI,REC=IREC) 1 (REAL(F(L0X+(JJ-1)*NY+1),4),JJ=I1,I2) ELSEIF(KK.EQ.2) THEN WRITE(NLUPHI,REC=IREC)(REAL(F(L0Y+JJ),4),JJ=I1,I2) ELSEIF(.NOT.ZVGRID.AND.KK.EQ.3) THEN WRITE(NLUPHI,REC=IREC) 1 (REAL(F(L0zt+JJ*IFREQ+MYFIZ-1)*ZWLST,4),JJ=I1,I2) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF 13 CONTINUE 12 CONTINUE C C.... 1f. pressure correction at each slab to phi C (the file will never be used for restarts, so C dummy values are written.) C IF(.NOT.ZVGRID) THEN NREC=NUMREC (NZEFF,LNRC) I1=1-LNRC I2=0 DO 14 I=1, NREC I1=I1+LNRC I2=MIN0 (I2+LNRC, NZEFF) IF(.NOT.DAFILE) THEN WRITE (NLUPHI, 1962) (.9999, JJ=I1, I2) ELSE IREC=IREC+1 WRITE (NLUPHI, REC=IREC) (REAL(.9999,4), JJ=I1, I2) ENDIF 14 CONTINUE ENDIF C C.... 1g. and store(phii) to phi C IF(.NOT.ZVGRID) THEN IF(.NOT.DAFILE) THEN WRITE (NLUPHI,'(1X,79L1)') (MYSTOR(I), I=1, NPHI) ELSE IREC=IREC+1 WRITE(NLUPHI,REC=IREC) (LOGICAL(MYSTOR(I),4),I=1,NPHI) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF C C.... Part 2: .................................................... C 2a. slab values of each stored var to phi C NB: u and v components are converted to cartesian C components if bfgrid.and..not.cartes.and.(nx.gt.1) C C.... Variables only dumped every ifreq slabs C IWRIT=IFST+IDUMP*IFREQ+MYFIZ-1 IF(ZVGRID.AND.IZT.EQ.MYFIZ) ISCR=0 IF((IFREQ.EQ.1).OR.(IWRIT.EQ.IZT)) THEN DO 20 KK=1, NPHI IF(MYSTOR(KK)) THEN L0VAR=L0F(KK) C C.... This is the conversion mentioned above; the cartesian C components are stored in the spare array EASP2. C IF(BFGRID.AND.(.NOT.CARTES).AND.(NX.GT.1).AND 1 .((KK.EQ.U1).OR.(KK.EQ.V1).OR.(KK.EQ.U2).OR. 1 (KK.EQ.V2))) THEN IF((KK.EQ.U1).OR.(KK.EQ.U2)) THEN L0ANG=L0X ELSE L0ANG=L0XG ENDIF DO 21 ICELL=1, NX*NY F(L0SP+ICELL)=F(L0VAR+ICELL)*COS(F(L0ANG+ICELL)) 21 CONTINUE L0VAR=L0SP ENDIF LENPHI=LNRC IF(ZVGRID) LENPHI=LENREC NREC=NUMREC (NX*NY,LENPHI) I1=1-LENPHI I2=0 DO 22 I=1, NREC I1=I1+LENPHI I2=MIN0 (I2+LENPHI, NX*NY) C.... Formatted files IF(.NOT.DAFILE.AND..NOT.ZVGRID) THEN WRITE (NLUPHI, 1962) (F(L0VAR+IJK), IJK=I1, I2) ELSE C.... PHIDA file IF(.NOT.ZVGRID) THEN IREC=IREC+1 WRITE (NLUPHI,REC=IREC) 1 (REAL(F(L0VAR+IJK),4), IJK=I1, I2) C.... Scratch file ELSE ISCR=ISCR+1 WRITE (NLUSCR,REC=ISCR) 1 (REAL(F(L0VAR+IJK),4), IJK=I1, I2) ENDIF ENDIF 22 CONTINUE ENDIF 20 CONTINUE IDUMP=IDUMP+1 ENDIF C C.... 2b. If zvgrid, store the high-face coordinate C IF(ZVGRID) THEN IF(IZT.EQ.MYFIZ) THEN F(L0AUX+1)=DZ ELSE F(L0AUX+IZT-MYFIZ+1)=F(L0AUX+IZT-MYFIZ)+DZ ENDIF ENDIF C C.... Part 3: .................................................... C cell-corner coordinates to xyz if bfgrid C IF(BFGRID) THEN IF(DAFILE.AND.IZT.EQ.MYFIZ) IXYZ=1 IGEOM=(IDUMP)*IFREQ+MYFIZ IF((IFREQ.EQ.1).OR.(IGEOM.EQ.IZT)) THEN C C.... 3a. x coordinates C IA=1 DO 30 II=1, NY+1 F(L0AUX+IA)=0.0 IA=IA+1 30 CONTINUE IF(CARTES) THEN DO 31 JJ=1,NX DO 131 II=1,NY+1 F(L0AUX+IA)=F(L0X+NY*(JJ-1)+1) IA=IA+1 131 CONTINUE 31 CONTINUE ELSE DO 32 II=1, NX F(L0AUX+IA)=RINNER*SIN(F(L0X+NY*(II-1)+1)) IA=IA+1 DO 33 JJ=1, NY IC=(II-1)*NY+JJ F(L0AUX+IA)=F(L0R+IC)*SIN(F(L0X+IC)) IA=IA+1 33 CONTINUE 32 CONTINUE ENDIF IF(.NOT.DAFILE) THEN WRITE (NLUXYZ, 1961) (F(L0AUX+II),II=1,(NX+1)*(NY+1)) ELSE NREC=NUMREC((NY+1)*(NX+1),LENREC) IDIR=0 IF(IZT.NE.MYFIZ) IXYZ=IXYZ+NREC-1 CALL WRTBFG(LENREC,NREC,IXYZ,IDIR,NLUXYZ,(NX+1)*(NY+1), 1 L0AUX) ENDIF C C.... 3b. y coordinates C IA=1 IF(CARTES) THEN DO 38 II=1,NX+1 F(L0AUX+IA)=0.0 IA=1+IA DO 34 JJ=1, NY F(L0AUX+IA)=F(L0Y+JJ) IA=IA+1 34 CONTINUE 38 CONTINUE ELSE F(L0AUX+1)= RINNER IA=IA+1 DO 35 JJ=1, NY F(L0AUX+IA) = F(L0R+JJ) IA=IA+1 35 CONTINUE DO 36 II=1, NX F(L0AUX+IA)=RINNER*COS(F(L0X+NY*(II-1)+1)) IA=IA+1 DO 37 JJ=1, NY IC=(II-1)*NY+JJ F(L0AUX+IA)=F(L0R+IC)*COS(F(L0X+IC)) IA=IA+1 37 CONTINUE 36 CONTINUE ENDIF IF(.NOT.DAFILE) THEN WRITE (NLUXYZ, 1961) (F(L0AUX+II),II=1,(NX+1)*(NY+1)) ELSE NREC=NUMREC((NY+1)*(NX+1),LENREC) IDIR=0 IXYZ=IXYZ+NREC-1 CALL WRTBFG(LENREC,NREC,IXYZ,IDIR,NLUXYZ,(NX+1)*(NY+1), 1 L0AUX) ENDIF ENDIF C C.... 3c. z coordinates C IF(IZT.EQ.MYFIZ) THEN ZCCNF=0.0 ELSE ZCCNF=ZCCNF+DZ ENDIF IF((IFREQ.EQ.1).OR.(IGEOM.EQ.IZT)) THEN IF(.NOT.DAFILE) THEN WRITE (NLUXYZ,1961) (ZCCNF, II=1, (NX+1)*(NY+1)) ELSE NREC=NUMREC((NY+1)*(NX+1),LENREC) IDIR=1 IXYZ=IXYZ+NREC-1 CALL WRTBFG(LENREC,NREC,IXYZ,IDIR,NLUXYZ,(NX+1)*(NY+1), 1 L0AUX) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF C C.... Part 4: .................................................... C last-slab practices. C C.... 4a. If zvgrid, the phi file is completed here, and the C scratch file is closed and deleted. C IF(ZVGRID.AND.(IZT.EQ.MYLIZ)) THEN NREC=NUMREC (NZEFF,LNRC) I1=1-LNRC I2=0 DO 40 I=1, NREC I1=I1+LNRC I2=MIN0 (I2+LNRC, NZEFF) IF(.NOT.DAFILE) THEN WRITE (NLUPHI,1962) (F(L0AUX+JJ*IFREQ), JJ=I1,I2) ELSE C IREC=IZVG+1 IREC=IZVG+I WRITE(NLUPHI,REC=IREC) 1 (REAL(F(L0AUX+JJ*IFREQ),4),JJ=I1,I2) ENDIF 40 CONTINUE C C.... Now pressure correction C NREC=NUMREC (NZEFF,LNRC) I1=1-LNRC I2=0 DO 41 I=1, NREC I1=I1+LNRC I2=MIN0 (I2+LNRC, NZEFF) IF(.NOT.DAFILE) THEN WRITE (NLUPHI, 1962) (.9999, JJ=I1, I2) ELSE IREC=IREC+1 WRITE (NLUPHI,REC=IREC) (REAL(.9999,4), JJ=I1,I2) ENDIF 41 CONTINUE C C.... Now store (phi) C IF(.NOT.DAFILE) THEN WRITE (NLUPHI,'(1X,79L1)') (MYSTOR(I), I=1, NPHI) ELSE IREC=IREC+1 WRITE(NLUPHI,REC=IREC) (LOGICAL(MYSTOR(I),4),I=1,NPHI) ENDIF C C.... Now the scratch file (da file) C c CALL CLOSFL(33) c CALL OPENFL(34) ISCR=0 DO 42 IIZZ=1, NZEFF DO 43 KK=1, NPHI IF(MYSTOR(KK)) THEN NREC=NUMREC (NX*NY,LENREC) I1=1-LENREC I2=0 DO 44 I=1, NREC I1=I1+LENREC I2=MIN0 (I2+LENREC, NX*NY) ISCR=ISCR+1 READ(NLUSCR,REC=ISCR) (ARY4(IJK),IJK=1,I2-I1+1) DO IJK=I1,I2 F(L0AUX+IJK)=ARY4(IJK-I1+1) ENDDO 44 CONTINUE NREC=NUMREC (NX*NY,LNRC) I3=1-LNRC I4=0 DO 144 I=1, NREC I3=I3+LNRC I4=MIN0 (I4+LNRC, NX*NY) IF(.NOT.DAFILE) THEN WRITE (NLUPHI,1962) (F(L0AUX+IJK), IJK=I3,I4) ELSE IREC=IREC+1 WRITE(NLUPHI,REC=IREC) 1 (REAL(F(L0AUX+IJK),4),IJK=I3,I4) ENDIF 144 CONTINUE ENDIF 43 CONTINUE 42 CONTINUE C cc CALL CLOSFL(34) CALL CLOSFL(33) ENDIF C C.... 4b. write the high face to xyz. C IF((IZT.EQ.MYLIZ).AND.BFGRID) THEN C C.... x coordinates IA=1 DO 45 II=1, NY+1 F(L0AUX+IA)=0.0 IA=IA+1 45 CONTINUE IF(CARTES) THEN DO 46 JJ=1,NX DO 146 II=1,NY+1 F(L0AUX+IA)=F(L0X+NY*(JJ-1)+1) IA=IA+1 146 CONTINUE 46 CONTINUE ELSE DO 47 II=1, NX F(L0AUX+IA)=RINNER*SIN(F(L0X+NY*(II-1)+1)) IA=IA+1 DO 48 JJ=1, NY IC=(II-1)*NY+JJ F(L0AUX+IA)=F(L0R+IC)*SIN(F(L0X+IC)) IA=IA+1 48 CONTINUE 47 CONTINUE ENDIF IF(.NOT.DAFILE) THEN WRITE (NLUXYZ, 1961) (F(L0AUX+II),II=1,(NX+1)*(NY+1)) ELSE NREC=NUMREC((NY+1)*(NX+1),LENREC) IDIR=0 IXYZ=IXYZ+NREC-1 CALL WRTBFG(LENREC,NREC,IXYZ,IDIR,NLUXYZ,(NX+1)*(NY+1), 1 L0AUX) ENDIF C C.... y coordinates C IA=1 IF(CARTES) THEN DO 49 II=1,NX+1 F(L0AUX+IA)=0.0 IA=1+IA DO 149 JJ=1, NY F(L0AUX+IA)=F(L0Y+JJ) IA=IA+1 149 CONTINUE 49 CONTINUE ELSE F(L0AUX+1)= RINNER IA=IA+1 DO 410 JJ=1, NY F(L0AUX+IA) = F(L0R+JJ) IA=IA+1 410 CONTINUE DO 411 II=1, NX F(L0AUX+IA)=RINNER*COS(F(L0X+NY*(II-1)+1)) IA=IA+1 DO 412 JJ=1, NY IC=(II-1)*NY+JJ F(L0AUX+IA)=F(L0R+IC)*COS(F(L0X+IC)) IA=IA+1 412 CONTINUE 411 CONTINUE ENDIF IF(.NOT.DAFILE) THEN WRITE (NLUXYZ, 1961) (F(L0AUX+II),II=1,(NX+1)*(NY+1)) ELSE NREC=NUMREC((NY+1)*(NX+1),LENREC) IDIR=0 IXYZ=IXYZ+NREC-1 CALL WRTBFG(LENREC,NREC,IXYZ,IDIR,NLUXYZ,(NX+1)*(NY+1), 1 L0AUX) ENDIF C C.... z coordinates C ZCCNF=ZCCNF+DZ IF(.NOT.DAFILE) THEN WRITE (NLUXYZ,1961) (ZCCNF,II=1,(NX+1)*(NY+1)) ELSE NREC=NUMREC((NY+1)*(NX+1),LENREC) IDIR=1 IXYZ=IXYZ+NREC-1 CALL WRTBFG(LENREC,NREC,IXYZ,IDIR,NLUXYZ,(NX+1)*(NY+1), 1 L0AUX) ENDIF C C.... 4c. close PHI and XYZ C CALL CLOSFL(IREXYZ) ENDIF IF(IZT.EQ.MYLIZ) then if(debug) call writ1i('close fl',irephi) CALL CLOSFL(IREPHI) endif ENDIF ENDIF C 1961 FORMAT (5(1PE13.6)) 1962 FORMAT (6(1PE13.6)) NAMFUN='gxpara' NAMSUB=NAMFUN END C----------------------------------------------------------------------- c SUBROUTINE WRTBFG(LENREC,N,IRXY,IDIR,NLU,NXNY1,L0AUX) INCLUDE 'farray' COMMON/AUXDAT/ZCCNF I1=1-LENREC I2=0 DO 10 I=1,N IRXY=IRXY+1 I1=I1+LENREC I2=MIN0(I2+LENREC,NXNY1) IF(IDIR.EQ.1) THEN WRITE(NLU,REC=IRXY) (REAL(ZCCNF,4),KK=I1,I2) ELSEIF(IDIR.EQ.0) THEN WRITE(NLU,REC=IRXY) (REAL(F(L0AUX+KK),4),KK=I1,I2) ENDIF 10 CONTINUE END C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C C SUBROUTINE GXPVAD C The subroutine is called only when C PARAB=T and U1AD, U2AD, V1AD or V2AD = GRND1 C in the Q1 file. C C.... The subroutine adds to the cross stream velocity (V1 say) C a component equal -W1*TAN(ALF) where ALF is the grid angle C. at the velocity location. It is needed for parabolic C contracting and expanding grids, i.e. grids for which C constant-y or constant-x lines are not precisely at right C angles to constant-z lines. It is essential when using such C grids with the IPARAB=4 (wholly supersonic flow) or IPARAB=5 C (supersonic flow with allowance for a subsonic free stream) C options. C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE GXPVAD(XLAST,XR,XU,VELZ,CDIR) INCLUDE 'farray' INCLUDE 'satear' INCLUDE 'grdloc' INCLUDE 'satgrd' INCLUDE 'grdear' C COMMON/NAMFN/NAMFUN,NAMSUB CHARACTER*6 NAMFUN,NAMSUB CHARACTER*1 CDIR INTEGER VELZ,XU C NAMFUN='GXPVAD' NAMSUB=NAMFUN c c.... IYL is set to NY-1 (and later re-set to NY) to reflect the fact that c there is no flow through the outer boundary IF(CDIR.EQ.'X') THEN IXL=NX-1 ELSE IYL=NY-1 ENDIF GDXDZ=XLAST*(1.-1./XR)/DZ CALL FN2(VELAD,XU,0.0, -GDXDZ/XLAST) CALL FN26(VELAD,VELZ) IF(CDIR.EQ.'X') THEN IXL=NX ELSE IYL=NY ENDIF NAMFUN='gxpvad' NAMSUB=NAMFUN END c