C**** SUBROUTINE GXPORA is called from GREX3, group 19, section 3 and C when IPORIA is set to greater than zero in SATELLITE. C C.... SETPOR must be set to T when the porosities are modified and C reset, in order that EARTH knows that geometrical quantities must C be re-calculated C C The examples provided are useful for simulating free-surface flow C phenomena, with gravity operating in the negative z-direction. C Surface waves are represented by allowing the porosities of the C upper cells to increase with pressure. C C.... The library cases 457-458 exemplify the use of it. C C The following auxiliary subroutines are used: C fn0(y,x) y = x C fn10(y,x1,x2,a,b1,b2) y = a+b1*x1+b2*x2 C fn47(y,a,b) y = amax1(a,amin1(b,y)) C SUBROUTINE GXPORA(SETPOR) INCLUDE 'farray' INCLUDE 'grdloc' INCLUDE 'satgrd' INCLUDE 'satear' COMMON /IGE/IFIL1(9),IZSTEP,IFIL2,ISWEEP,IFIL3(13) LOGICAL SETPOR COMMON/NAMFN/NAMFUN,NAMSUB CHARACTER*6 NAMFUN,NAMSUB NAMSUB = 'GXPORA' C IF(VPOR.NE.0) THEN SETPOR=.FALSE. IF(STORE(P2)) THEN C.... Set ?POR = ?POR*PORIA + PORIB*(P1-P2) CALL FN10(VPOR,P1,P2,PORIA,PORIB,-PORIB) SETPOR = .TRUE. ELSE C.... Set ?POR = PORIA + PORIB * P1 for IPORIA < or = IZSTEP IF(IZSTEP.LE.IPORIA) THEN L0VPOR=L0F(VPOR) L0P1=L0F(P1) RELX=MAX(0.0,MIN(1.,ABS(DTFALS(VPOR)))) IF(ISWEEP==1) RELX=1.0 RELXM1=1.-RELX DO 10 I=1,NX*NY IF(F(L0VPOR+I).GT.1.E-6) THEN VPR=F(L0VPOR+I) F(L0VPOR+I)=RELXM1*VPR+RELX*(PORIA+PORIB*F(L0P1+I)) ENDIF 10 CONTINUE SETPOR=.TRUE. ENDIF ENDIF IF(SETPOR) THEN CALL FN47(VPOR,VARMIN(VPOR),VARMAX(VPOR)) IF(EPOR.NE.0.AND.NX.GT.1) CALL FN0(EPOR,VPOR) IF(NPOR.NE.0.AND.NY.GT.1) CALL FN0(NPOR,VPOR) call setblk(izstep) ENDIF ENDIF NAMSUB = 'gxpora' END C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! c file name gxmovpor.htm 120704 c C.... GXMOBS is called from GREX3 (Gr.19 Sc.1) if IPORIB.NE.0 from Group c 19, section 1, i.e. at the start of each time step, in c to compute values of VPOR, EPOR, NPOR or HPOR. C C The following examples are provided: C - IPORIB= 1 creates porosities appropriate to a spherical C coordinate system with the y-direction radial; C - IPORIB= 2 resets VPOR to model moving piston. C C.... Variables PRBLOK and PRUNBL store indices of materials, which will C be used by EARTH to fill PRPS-array in just-blocked cells (PRBLOK) C and/or unblocked cells (PRUNBL). Just blocked cell is the cell for C which VPOR is set to zero at the current time step. C By default, PRBLOK= PORPRP; PRUNBL=1.0. The user MUST modify them, C if other solids or fluids are used in his/her case. C SUBROUTINE GXMOBS INCLUDE 'farray' INCLUDE 'satear' INCLUDE 'grdloc' INCLUDE 'satgrd' INCLUDE 'grdear' COMMON /MOVCMN/LMVCMN(5),PRBLOK,PRUNBL C 1 /MOVPST/PTYP,IXPS,IYPS,IZPS,LXMOVE,LYMOVE,LZMOVE COMMON /MOVPSTI/IXPS,IYPS,IZPS 1 /MOVPSTL/LXMOVE,LYMOVE,LZMOVE 1 /MOVPSTR/PTYP 1 /SLDPRP/SOLPRP,PORPRP,VACPRP 1 /GENI/ IGFIL2(55),IPRPS,IFIL1(4) 1 /NAMFN/NAMFUN,NAMSUB LOGICAL LMVCMN,QEQ,LXMOVE,LYMOVE,LZMOVE CHARACTER*6 NAMFUN,NAMSUB SAVE IPF,IPL,JPF,JPL,KPF,KPL,ITPF,ITPL C NAMSUB = 'GXMOBS' C.... Set SETPOR to true to activate appropriate resetting of arrays C used by EARTH test functions SETPOR= .TRUE. C.... Set indices for materials, which will be used by EARTH to fill just C blocked (PRBLOK) or/and unblocked (PRUNBL) cells. IF(ISTEP.EQ.FSTEP) CALL SUB2R( PRBLOK,PORPRP, PRUNBL,-1.0 ) C.... PISTON: Get the direction of piston movement and the sizes of area C which could be covered by piston: IF(IPORIB.EQ.2) THEN ! if the piston-patch is set via spedat IF(ISTEP.EQ.FSTEP) THEN ! determine initial position of piston ! here i, j and k signify ix, iy, iz CALL GETPTC('PISTON',PTYP,IPF,IPL,JPF,JPL,KPF,KPL,ITPF,ITPL) LXMOVE= QEQ(PTYP,2.) .OR. QEQ(PTYP,3.) ! deduce direction of motion LYMOVE= QEQ(PTYP,4.) .OR. QEQ(PTYP,5.) ! from patch type, e.g. x LZMOVE= QEQ(PTYP,6.) .OR. QEQ(PTYP,7.) ! if east or west, y if .. ENDIF C.... This example blocks one cell every other time step. The user is C free to introduce other rule of blocking by changing the coding: ISTPIS= ISTEP/2 IF(ISTPIS*2.EQ.ISTEP ) THEN PSTPOR= 0.0 ISTPIS= ISTPIS-1 ELSE PSTPOR= 0.5 ENDIF CALL SUB3(IXPS,IPF-1, IYPS,JPF-1, IZPS,KPF-1) IF(LXMOVE) THEN IXPS= ITWO(IPF+ISTPIS,IPL-ISTPIS,QEQ(PTYP,2.)) ELSEIF(LYMOVE) THEN IYPS= ITWO(JPF+ISTPIS,JPL-ISTPIS,QEQ(PTYP,4.)) ELSE IZPS= ITWO(KPF+ISTPIS,KPL-ISTPIS,QEQ(PTYP,6.)) ENDIF ENDIF C.... Loop over whole domain to introduce new blockages: CALL SUB2( L0VPOR,0, L0PRPS,0 ) CALL SUB3( L0EPOR,0, L0NPOR,0, L0HPOR,0 ) DO 70 IZZ= 1,NZ C.... Get addresses of blockages for IZ-slab: IF(EPOR.NE.0) L0EPOR= L0F(EPOR) IF(NPOR.NE.0) L0NPOR= L0F(NPOR) IF(HPOR.NE.0) L0HPOR= L0F(HPOR) IF(VPOR.NE.0) L0VPOR= L0F(VPOR) IF(IPRPS.NE.0) L0PRPS= L0F(IPRPS) C.... IPORIB switches between various options to set porosities IF(IPORIB.EQ.1) THEN C.... Create porosities appropriate to a spherical coordinate system C with the y-direction radial. L0XG= L0F(LXXG) L0YG= L0F(LYYG) L0YV= L0F(LYYV) DO 50 IX= 1,NX SINXG = SIN(F(L0XG+IX))/(RINNER+YVLAST) SINXU = SIN(F(L0XG+IX))/(RINNER+YVLAST) L0ECEL= L0EPOR+NY*(IX-1) L0NCEL= L0NPOR+NY*(IX-1) L0HCEL= L0HPOR+NY*(IX-1) L0VCEL= L0VPOR+NY*(IX-1) IF(EPOR.NE.0) THEN DO 10 IY= 1,NY F(L0ECEL+IY)=(RINNER+F(L0YG+IY))*SINXU 10 CONTINUE ENDIF IF(NPOR.NE.0) THEN DO 20 IY= 1,NY F(L0NCEL+IY)=(RINNER+F(L0YV+IY))*SINXG 20 CONTINUE ENDIF IF(HPOR.NE.0) THEN DO 30 IY= 1,NY F(L0HCEL+IY)=(RINNER+F(L0YG+IY))*SINXG 30 CONTINUE ENDIF IF(VPOR.NE.0) THEN DO 40 IY= 1,NY F(L0VCEL+IY)=(RINNER+F(L0YG+IY))*SINXG 40 CONTINUE ENDIF 50 CONTINUE ELSEIF(IPORIB.EQ.2) THEN ! the moving piston IF(ITPF.LE.ISTEP .AND. ISTEP.LE.ITPL) THEN IF(KPF.LE.IZZ .AND. IZZ.LE.KPL) THEN DO 60 IX= IPF,IPL DO 60 IY= JPF,JPL IJ= IY+(IX-1)*NY IF(IX.LT.IXPS .OR. IY.LT.IYPS .OR. IZZ.LT.IZPS) THEN F(L0VPOR+IJ)= 0.0 ELSEIF(IX.EQ.IXPS.OR.IY.EQ.IYPS.OR.IZZ.EQ.IZPS) THEN F(L0VPOR+IJ)= PSTPOR ENDIF 60 CONTINUE ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF(IPORIB.EQ.3) THEN c.... north and volume porosities are proportional to IY**2 FNY=FLOAT(NY) RFNY=1.0/FNY TERM2=0.0 DO IY=1,NY TERM1=(FLOAT(IY)*RFNY)**2 F(L0NPOR+IY)=TERM1 F(L0VPOR+IY)=0.5*(TERM1+TERM2) TERM2=TERM1 ENDDO ELSE C.... The user can introduce his/her own option to set blockages here ENDIF C.... Reset addresses for use in Z-loop: IF(NZ.GT.1) CALL RSTADR(IZZ) 70 CONTINUE NAMSUB = 'gxmobs' END c