C.... file name GXBUOYSO.F 140206 C**** SUBROUTINE GXBUOY is called from group 13 of GREX3, and is C entered only when the patch name begins with the characters 'BUOY'. C C.... The coding provided here presumes that CO in the relevant COVAL C statement is FIXFLUX, and that the VAL is: C GRND1, or (what is equivalent) DENSITY, (ISC = 13) C GRND2, or (what is equivalent) DENDIFF, (ISC = 14) C GRND3, or (what is equivalent) BOUSS, (ISC = 15) C GRND4, or (what is equivalent) LINBC. (ISC = 16) C C The arguments BFC, CARTES and PARAB are logicals in the SATELLITE, C signifying, when set to T, the body-fitted coordinate, rectangular C cartesian coordinate and parabolic flow respectively. C C.... The following library cases make use of it: C 213,P108-P112,740-743(bfctst) (VAL=GRND1) C 122,125,136,137,278,251-254,256,279 (VAL=GRND3), C 975 (VAL=GRND4). C SUBROUTINE GXBUOY(BFC,CARTES,PARAB,DEN1,DEN2) INCLUDE 'farray' INCLUDE 'grdloc' INCLUDE 'satgrd' INCLUDE 'grdear' INCLUDE 'grdbfc' INCLUDE 'prpcmn' COMMON/IDATA/NX,NY,IFL2(118) /LDATA/LDFL1(7),XCYCLE,LDFL2(76) 1 /RDATA/RDAT1(10),XULAST,RDAT2(67),DVO1DT,DVO2DT,RDAT3(5) 1 /GENL/ LGN1(51),SOLIDM,SOLIDN,LGN3(7) 1 /GENI/ NXNY,IGNI1(8),NFM,IGFIL(39),ITEM1,ITEM2,IGFIL2(4), 1 IPRPS,IFIL1(4) 1 /FNDRI/IDF(11),IJPW(6),IJPS(6),IDSG(6),IDR(6),JDR(6),KDR(6) 1 /NAMFN/NAMFUN,NAMSUB COMMON/PASQLF/ITPRO,PASQBUOY,BUOSSG,MOLEN LOGICAL PASQBUOY,BUOSSG INTEGER DEN1,DEN2 LOGICAL BFC,CARTES,PARAB,FLUID1,QNE,XCYCLE,LDFL1,LDFL2,SLD, 1 TESTSOL,LGN1,SOLIDM,SOLIDN,LGN3,GRN,dbbuoy CHARACTER DIRCTN, NAMFUN*6, NAMSUB*6 C dbbuoy=.false. if(dbbuoy) then write(14,*) 'gxbuoy entered for ' call writ2i('indvar ',indvar,'isc ',isc) call writ3r('buoya ',buoya,'buoyb ',buoyb,'buoyc ',buoyc) call writ2r('buoyd ',buoyd,'buoye ',buoye) endif NAMSUB = 'GXBUOY' IF(INDVAR.LT.5) THEN c.... which velocity? c U1 or U2 DIRCTN = 'E' BUOABC=BUOYA IPLPHI=NY IPLSLD=NY TESTSOL=SOLIDM ELSEIF(INDVAR.LT.7) THEN c V1 or V2 DIRCTN = 'N' BUOABC=BUOYB IPLPHI=1 IPLSLD=1 TESTSOL=SOLIDM ELSE c W1 or W2 DIRCTN = 'H' BUOABC=BUOYC IPLPHI=NFM IPLSLD=NXNY TESTSOL=SOLIDM.OR.SOLIDN ENDIF if(dbbuoy) then call writ40('direction is '//dirctn) endif c IF(ISC.LT.16) THEN if(dbbuoy) then call writ40('in gxbuoyso for value') call writ2l('bfc ',bfc,'cartes ',cartes) endif C---------------------------------------- VAL=DENSITY, DENSDIFF or BOUSS C.... Resolve gravity vector into local resolute direction; BUOYA, C BUOYB and BUOYC signify the resolutes of the acceleration C due to gravity in the cartesian coordinate direction XC, C YC and ZC. !!MH-start IF(BFC.AND..NOT.GCV) THEN C---------------------------------------------------------------- BFC=T CALL BFCBUO C.... BFCBUO sets: C val = easp2*buoya + easp3*buoyb + easp4*buoyb , C where the easp's are the relevant direction cosines ELSEIF(GCV.AND.BFC)THEN CALL BUOPAT C RETURN !!MH-end ELSEIF(CARTES) THEN C----------------------------------------------------- BFC=F & CARTES=T c.... fn1(y,a) y = a CALL FN1(VAL,BUOABC) C------------------------------------------- BFC=F & CARTES=F, ie POLAR ELSEIF(INDVAR.GT.6) THEN C BUOYC is the acceleration due to gravity in the z-direction CALL FN1(VAL,BUOYC) ELSEIF(QNE(BUOYB,0.0).OR.QNE(BUOYA,0.0)) THEN C.... The following sequence assumes that gravity is aligned with x=0, C so that only BUOYB ( the y-direction cartesian component of C the gravity vector ) is relevant. IF(INDVAR.LT.5) THEN C.... The u-direction source contains: buoya*cos(xg) - buoyb*sin(xg) L0XG = L0F(LXXG) L0VAL = L0F(VAL) IXLAST= NX-1 IF(XCYCLE) IXLAST= NX PI=4*ATAN(1.0) DO 10 IX= 1,IXLAST ANGLE1= F(L0XG+IX) IF(IX.EQ.NX) THEN ANGLE2= F(L0XG+1) IF(ANGLE1.GT.PI) ANGLE2=ANGLE2+2*PI ELSE ANGLE2= F(L0XG+IX+1) ENDIF ANGLE = 0.5*(ANGLE1+ANGLE2) SOURCE= COS(ANGLE)*BUOYA - SIN(ANGLE)*BUOYB IPLUS = (IX-1)*NY DO 10 IY= 1+IPLUS,NY+IPLUS F(L0VAL+IY)= SOURCE 10 CONTINUE ELSE C.... The v-direction source contains: buoya*sin(xg) + buoyb*cos(xg) L0XG2= L0F(XG2D) L0VAL = L0F(VAL) DO 20 IX= 1,NX DO 20 IY= 1,NY I= IY+(IX-1)*NY ANGLE= F(L0XG2+I) F(L0VAL+I)= BUOYA*SIN(ANGLE) + BUOYB*COS(ANGLE) 20 CONTINUE ENDIF ELSE c.... set val to zero if buoya and buoyb are zero CALL FN1(VAL,0.0) ENDIF if(dbbuoy) call prn('val1',val) if(dbbuoy) call prn('ld9 ',ld9) IF(ISC.EQ.14) THEN C.... 'Phasem' force = (rho - refrho) * grav ---- VAL=DENSDIFF (ie GRND2) IF(ITPRO==0.OR.ITPRO==4) THEN ! uniform reference density C FN69(Y,X,A,B) Y = Y * (A + B/X) c.... LD9 is the block-location index of the correctly-staggered density, c therefore no further staggering is needed below c c.... Note that, apart from zeroing in solids, all has now been c done for VAL = DENSITY and VAL = DENSDIFF, c The other two options require staggering. c.... note that the do loop provides better accuracy than FN69 L0VAL= L0F(VAL) L0D9 = L0F(LD9) DO I=1,NXNY F(L0VAL+I) = F(L0VAL+I)*( F(L0D9+I) - BUOYD ) / F(L0D9+I) ENDDO cccc CALL FN69(VAL,LD9,1.0,-BUOYD) ELSE ! reference density varies with height CALL GXBLIN ENDIF if(dbbuoy) call prn('val2',val) endif ELSE C.... ISC=16: for VAL=LINBC (ie GRND4) C.... Value set to a linear function of variables IBUOYB and IBUOYC CALL FNAV(EASP2,IBUOYB,DIRCTN) CALL FNAV(EASP3,IBUOYC,DIRCTN) CALL FN10(VAL,EASP2,EASP3,BUOYA,BUOYB,BUOYC) if(dbbuoy) call prn('val3',val) ENDIF C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C---- VAL= BOUSS (ie GRND3) IF(ISC.EQ.15) THEN C.... 'Phasem' force = rho * grav * (exco ) * (Tref - T1) C.... OR rho * grav * (exco/cp) * (href - h1) C.... Preliminaries C.... fn27: y = y / x if(dbbuoy) call writ40('boussinesq option') IF(ITPRO>0 .AND. ITPRO/= 4) THEN ! Pasquill Reference temperature varies with height CALL GXBLIN ELSE ! uniform reference density IF(FLUID1(INDVAR)) THEN DVDT12= DVO1DT ITHMEX= THRME1 IF(SOLVE(ITEM1)) THEN ITORH= ITEM1 ELSE ITORH= H1 C.... Divide Val by Cp when enthalpy is solved CALL FN27(VAL,LCP1) ENDIF ELSE DVDT12= DVO2DT ITHMEX= THRME2 IF(SOLVE(ITEM2)) THEN ITORH= ITEM2 ELSE ITORH= H2 C.... Divide Val by Cp when enthalpy is solved CALL FN27(VAL,LCP2) ENDIF ENDIF C.... Put staggered T or H in EASP2 IF((INDVAR.LT.7.OR..NOT.PARAB)) THEN CALL FNAV(EASP2,ITORH,DIRCTN) ELSE CALL FN0(EASP2,ITORH) ENDIF if(dbbuoy) then call writ40('staggered t or h') call prn('tem1',itorh) call prn('easp2',easp2) endif C.... Multiply gravity by Exco * (Tref - T1) or Exco * (Href - H) IF(IPRPS.NE.0 .OR. GRN(DVDT12)) THEN C.... Variable expansion coefficient is set in INDPRP and put into C the LDVO1 storage CALL INDPRP(ITHMEX,0) if(dbbuoy) call writ1i('idvo1 ',idvo1) if(dbbuoy) call prn('dvo1',idvo1) C.... fn85: y = y * x1 * (A - x2) CALL FN85(VAL, IDVO1, EASP2, BUOYE) if(dbbuoy) call prn('vall',val) ELSE C.... fn46: y = y * (A + B * x1) CALL FN46(VAL, EASP2, BUOYE*DVDT12, -DVDT12) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF C.... Set VAL to zero in solids IF(TESTSOL) THEN L0VAL= L0F(VAL) DO 30 IX= IXF,IXL IADD= (IX-1)*NY DO 30 IY= IYF,IYL I= IY+IADD IF(SLD(I)) THEN F(L0VAL+I)= 0.0 ELSE IF(SLD(I+IPLSLD)) F(L0VAL+I)= 0.0 ENDIF 30 CONTINUE ENDIF NAMSUB= 'gxbuoy' if(dbbuoy) write(14,*) 'leaving gxbuoy ' END